Example syllabi for Spanish courses
Here is a sample of syllabi of courses I have taught. Unless indicated otherwise, I have personally designed those syllabi for advanced Spanish classes.
The University of Georgia, Athens, GA (2004-2006)
- Detailed syllabus for Intensive Beginning Spanish (1110) (Provided by course coordinator)
- General Syllabus for Intermediate Spanish (2002) (Provided by course coordinator)
- Detailed Syllabus for Intermediate Spanish (2002) (Provided by course coordinator)
- General syllabus for Spanish Composition (3010)
- Detailed syllabus for Spanish Composition (3010)
- General syllabus for Advanced Spanish Composition and Reading (4010)
- Detailed syllabus for Advanced Spanish Composition and Reading (4010)
Duke University, Durham, NC (2006-2008)
- General syllabus for Elementary Spanish 1 (Provided by course coordinator)
- General syllabus for Elementary Spanish 2 (Provided by course coordinator)
- General Syllabus for Advanced-Intermediate Spanish (Provided by course coordinator)
- General syllabus for Advanced Spanish Writing (Provided by course coordinator)
Hampshire College, Amherst, MA (2013)
- Detailed Syllabus for “Introduction to Language” (i.e. “Introduction to Linguistics”)